Turn hope into help

Crisis is not a starting point

1 in 5 people live with a mental health condition. 

5 in 5 people have mental health.

We envision a world in which all people and communities have equitable opportunity for mental well-being and are enabled to flourish and live with purpose and meaning.

What makes us different?

  • We are anchored in lived experience. We have been delivering public education, advocacy, and direct services through a lived experience lens since 1909.

  • We are community-driven. We are a national organization grounded and guided by more than 140 community-based affiliates who provide direct service.

  • We are equity-centered. We are advocates for mental health promotion and condition prevention for all, especially for those most in need of access, education, and resources.

  • We are rooted in research. We provide timely and relevant insights to leaders and policymakers to inform real-time impact on critical mental health issues.

  • We are prevention-focused. We draw attention to mental health across every stage, including early intervention and well-being.

Your fundraiser can:

SCREEN 300 people for mental health conditions $250

You can help us connect, screen, and provide resources and referrals to people who are recognizing that something "isn't quite right."


ADVOCATE for improving access $500

We fight to ensure access to treatment; improve quality of treatment; reduce homelessness, incarceration, and discrimination; and ultimately move our system towards progress.


RAISE awareness for mental health $750

Help us get a trained team member to outreach events to raise awareness about mental health conditions and screen individuals.


SUPPORT public education programs $1,000

Help us develop our free public education materials on mental health conditions and educate thousands of others on the importance of thinking Before Stage 4.


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